Finding Our Path to Belonging
Today was a pretty special day. We were proud to welcome so many new families for our Orientation day today: we have over 150 new students joining EARJ across our campuses!

It was a day of smiles, laughter, welcomes and yes, maybe one or two few tears from some of our younger students. After all, it’s a very emotional thing. A new school, new people, a new environment – it can all be a little overwhelming. We understand, which is why at EARJ we are committed to student welfare and wellbeing first, last, and always. We also understand that it is emotional for you as parents, particularly if you are starting your child at a new school. Will she be happy? Will he make friends? Will they be able to cope? Please know – we understand! It is incredibly important to us that each and every student feels a sense of belonging at EARJ. Of course, that doesn’t happen magically on Day 1. It may take a little time, but we are committed to making it happen. We all need to feel that we belong, and children need to feel that even more.

Whether you are new to EARJ or you are a returning family, we look forward to welcoming you on Monday for what will be the start of the 86th year of the EARJ story. On behalf of the entire EARJ team, we wish you all a fantastic
Dr. Nigel J. Winnard
Head of School