Be a Hero, Be a Donor – SHS Blood Drive
On March 2nd, EARJ’s Spanish Honor Society Club, in collaboration with HemoRio, promoted the “Blood Drive | Be a Hero – Donate Blood” campaign at the EARJ Gávea Campus. SHS members, a very committed group of students, dedicated themselves to take the already existing tradition to a whole new level by bringing HemoRio’s “collect center” to EARJ.
In the aim of increasing the number of donors, they strategically eliminated the geographic barrier between the EARJ Community and HemoRio (located in Downtown Rio) increasing the number of potential donors – they went from a few dozens to HUNDREDS!
Every registered donor is getting a message from HemoRio on their cellphones, every time their blood is being used to save someone’s life! What a reward!
The SHS didn’t stop at that! They collaborated with the EARJ US Gavea Student Council (STUCO) and Rock 4 Relief club a lunch gig to celebrate this important day in school. Amazingly talented students (and one teacher!) sung and played Brazilian and international rock and roll while STUCO members distributed Ki-doguinhos and brigadeiros free of charge for blood donors! Awareness actions for community members that were not able to donate were also included in this campaign, in both Barra and Gávea Campuses. Assemblies and open discussions engaged the community in a complementary initiative that focused on fundraising and collecting toys for a brand new Playroom for the HemoRio’s Pediatric ward.
It was a very special day for our community filled with unity, love and, above all, willingness to help.
A special thanks to all students, faculty and staff who made all of this happen. Helping others goes beyond donating!
We are a proud community!