
Gifted planning provides individualized support for students primarily utilizing curriculum compounding, extension, enrichment, and mentorship.

Students may qualify for gifted identification in the area of General/Specific Intellectual Ability.

Curriculum Compounding

Curriculum compounding shortens or eliminates work the student already knows. Replacement assignments enable a more challenging or productive use of a student’s time.


Going deeper into the content; extending the curriculum beyond what is typical or expected in a class or in a grade-level; acquiring new ideas, skills or concepts aligned to the content area. Extension is an instructional strategy appropriate for advanced students ready to move beyond grade-level expectations.


Enrichment happens when a student goes broader into a topic of study; representing a topic as thematic or multi-disciplinary; enhancing grade-level content standards to show relevance and application of skills and knowledge. Enrichment is an instructional strategy appropriate for all students.


A mentor within EARJ may be assigned that would use a check-in and check-out system to support students in the Gifted planning.