The Learning Support program follows an inclusive educational model and provides services for students with a valid and up-to-date diagnosis of disability that adversely affects their school performance.
Support is provided through varying levels of intensity based on individual students’ needs, focusing on closing academic gaps to help students follow the curriculum, identifying and supporting accommodations and assistive technology to limit the impact of disability on learning, and supporting students to gain independence in their learning and life through self-advocacy.
EARJ follows the Next Frontier Inclusion definition for Mild needs: Student profiles include high incidence learning differences, requiring differentiated instruction in class and interventions in identified areas. Students may qualify for formal accommodations. Typical service delivery may range from monitoring to some direct intervention, potentially delivered through consultation & formal monitoring, co-teaching, and small group interventions. Students with mild profiles may also include the need for occupational, speech-language or social-emotional therapies as a primary need.
EARJ follows the Next Frontier Inclusion definition for Moderate needs: Student profiles include high incidence learning differences. Student achievement is two or more years below grade-level expectations in one or more areas. Profiles are more complex and may include multiple diagnoses and/or social-emotional or behavioural issues, and/or need for allied health services (e.g. speech-language or occupational therapy). A small number of moderate students may require curricular modifications in one or more areas. Students regularly receive accommodations and will require regular interventions to support requisite educational skills. Typical range of service delivery models may include co-teaching, therapies, small group interventions.
Early Intervention – Preschool and Kindergarden
The Early Intervention program has a focus on early identification of students that have a delay of developmental milestones and seeks to intervene with a range of support from co-teaching to short term small group interventions.
Learning Support – Grades 1-5
G1-5 students receive a range of services that may include classroom accommodations, individualized goals, co-teaching support, and direct instruction in a small group setting from the Learning Support teacher.
Learning Support – Grades 6-12
G6-12 students receive a range of services that may include classroom accommodations, individualized goals, co-teaching support, and direct instruction from the Learning Support teacher. Direct instruction takes place in the Learning Lab class as an elective.